O.K. So is everyone as tired as I am of hearing all the jokes and conversations surrounding the "impending end of the world" that did not happen . However, I would be remiss if I didn't at least touch on it a bit. So here goes. First of all, for whatever reason this man had for going public with his prediction and setting a whole bunch of people into a tailspin of selling off personal belongings and running their credit cards to the max and even spending their life savings, I'm sure he had no idea he would cause such a ruccus. After all, this is a well educated man who has lived a life claiming to be a Christian. So how did he come to the conclusion that he knows more than anyone on this subject? How is it that he thought he could determine the demise on the earth? Just like a fish to a hook, it is for sure that Satan dangled the bait, hooked him, and reeled him right in. I am no theologian, but here are some things I know for sure:
First, it is clear in God's Word that we do not know the time or the day in which He will come. (1 Th. 5:1-2, Rev. 19:15). We clearly could not handle that information. Case in point, all of those who went wild spending all of their savings because of one man's prediction. God created us. He knows us better than anyone. He knows how we will react to everything. He is omnipitant, all knowing, we are not!
Secondly, God's Word is very clear about our purpose on this earth. We are to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being a living testimony of the grace and mercy God has shown to us that while we were sinners, He demonstrated His love for us by dying on the cross, then being resurrected from death, and now is seated at the right hand of the Father waiting for that moment when God tells him to go get His bride, which is the church.
We are not put here to predict our future. We are not put here to scare people into believing something man has conjured up. We are not here to spread false doctrine by taking the Bible, God's Holy Word, and making people believe something it's not. We are on this earth to love others with the love of Christ. We are here to serve others with the love of Christ. We are here to share the gospel of Christ with those who do not have a relationship with Him, so they will have the opportunity to receive the gift of His salvation.
This past month, there have been casatrophic events that have taken place that, to many who are seeking, could easily believe someone giving in detail, information that this could be it for the world. So here's my thought on the matter. If so many people can believe a false doctrine so easily, why is it so hard for true believers, that put their faith and trust in God alone, to share the true gospel of Christ with the lost. The field is ripe for harvest! This past weekend proved that. People will grab hold of anything. We, as Christians should step up and be as bold as we ever have. The time is drawing near. Although we don't know the date and time, we do know Christ is coming to take us to our heavenly home. One of my favorite passages of Scripture is found in Acts 4 when Peter and John appeared before the Sanhedrin and were questioned about why they were spreading the gospel. After sharing the gospel boldly with the Sanhedrin, they saw the courage Peter and John had and the miracle of the crippled man that had just been performed, and knew these men had been with Jesus during His ministry on earth. They ordered them to stop speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John again were bold and in verse 19-20 told them, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." Wow! Could I be that bold? Could you be that bold if confronted with what you believe? Then it gets better! After Peter and John were released, they went back to their own people and reported what had happened. This is what true faith looks like. They didn't try to come up with a plan on their own. They didn't form a committee to plan a strategy. They immediately raised their voices together in prayer to God. Wow! Their prayer was simply to ask God to enable His servants to speak His word with great boldness. (vs. 29) After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. What an incredible example of true faith in action!
Maybe we need to, as believers, come together and agree and raise our voices to God and ask Him to enable us to speak boldly the gospel. What would happen? I would love to find out wouldn't you? Yes, the time will come, soon, when Christ appears to gather the church and take us to our eternal home. How are you preparing? Are you spending your life savings? Are you focused on what you can do for yourself before that day comes? Are you putting things above serving God? Or are you boldly speaking about Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for us, so those who don't know him may know the truth. Just like Peter, John and the number of believers that day, I want my life to reflect true faith, so the ground under my feet will shake.
His Humble Servant,
Angie Burkeen
Club 180 Ministry
503 Main Street
Cumberland, KY 40823