I'm not big on flying in an airplane. Although to ease my mind, others tell me, "Don't worry, it's much safer to fly than to drive a car!" Good and true advice! But I still can't seem to wrap my brain around how this huge piece of aluminum can stay in the air. It just doesn't make sense!
My husband, my daughter and I, just got back from an amazing trip to sunny Southern California where we had the privilege of speaking at a church. I am overwhelmed at how God blesses us and puts the most intricate details in place. The church we spoke at just happened to be 60 miles from where my sister and brother-in-law live. Coincidence - I don't think so! First of all, I have never traveled west of Missouri, but have always wanted to, and second, I never dreamed I would get the chance to visit my sister while they are living in California. But God is so good!
I was very excited about the trip, and the weeks and days leading up to it, I thought of all of the things I'd like to do and see while there. But as soon as I boarded the plane, my excitement turned to anxiety and fear. All of these thoughts started flooding my mind. All of the "what if's?" Anything and everything that could go wrong with plane came to mind. Isn't that silly? As I tried to distill those thoughts it made me start thinking about how all of the "what if's" affect our daily lives. How many times have you found yourself saying, "What if I'm not qualified enough?" "What if I'm not smart enough?" What if I'm not pretty enough?" How about, "What if I'm not worthy enough to be used by God?" All of these "what if's" can paralyze us into believing the worst things about ourselves and can keep us from doing extraordinary things that God has planned for us.
But God, with His divine mercy and grace can give us JOY for our journey. As a child, I learned a church song that now cracks me up when I sing it, but it so relates to finding that JOY. These are the words:
Give me umption in my gumption, help me function, function, function.
Give me umption in my gumption I pray.
Give me umption in my gumption, help me function, function, function.
Help me function till the break of day!
I'm not real sure what an umption or a gumption is, but I still understand the message. Only through emptying ourselves out and letting God fill us with His JOY and peace can we accomplish all He has for us. We can't do anything without Him. Philippians 4:13 reads, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Psalm 29:11 says, "The Lord gives strength to His people, the Lord blesses His people with peace."
Finding JOY in our journey means relying on the peace He gives us while doing those things that we may not like or want to do but is necessary in order to get where God wants us to be. It means clearing our mind of all of the lies that Satan tries to sell us. All of those "what if's" and clinging to our Father's sweet promise that He will never leave us or forsake us.
As I sat on the plane that beautiful sunny day and began emptying my mind and letting God fill me with thoughts of His peace and love, I began to focus on the beauty I saw as I looked out into the depths of His creation. I realized that flying was part of the journey to get me where I needed to be. As the plane carried us across the U.S., I praised God for His incredible blessings and basked in His presence as His calming peace filled me with JOY on my journey!
Much JOY,
Angie Burkeen
Club 180 Ministry
503 Main Street
Cumberland, KY 40823
What does it mean to have true Joy? Only through a relationship with Jesus Christ can one experience true JOY! It's not an emotion that comes and goes. It's a deep rooted sense of knowing that whatever happens God is in control and He will be glorified. It's trusting Him no matter what and letting that joy overflow from your heart.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
Joy Lived Out
This morning I opened my Facebook to catch up on everyone's life (because you know, that's how one finds out what is going on in other's lives!). The first status that popped up on my page was something that changed my entire day. I pray it has changed me forever! We have friends that are serving in Ghana, Africa as Missionaries. They moved there three years ago to help feed the orphans, share the Gospel, and disciple those that come to know Jesus Christ. Reid and Robin Beebe, along with their five boys responded to the call to leave their home in Knoxville and travel across the globe to reach people for Christ where the things we consider everyday luxuries are a rare commodity.
As I read Robin's post this morning, my heart was wrenched as I began to think of how I live my faith out. Do I exemplify JOY when circumstances arise? Robin has hard days, like all of us do. We all go through trials. Some are for just a fleeting moment, but some are trials that can be dragged out and seem to last a lifetime. Some people deal with health issues that affect them the rest of their life. But the circumstances and conditions that Robin and her family face everyday are so much more difficult than what most of us will ever have to experience. True JOY is lived out in her life and it shows. The transparency of how in her circumstances she struggles, shows true JOY and she continually depends on God to renew her Spirit. I pray the JOY I have for what Christ has done for me shines brightly for others to see. I want to share with you Robin's post from Facebook and I pray it has an effect on you as it did me. JOY is a choice! It is an active response to every situation we experience: hard times and good times. Do others see JOY in you? Here's her post:
· Lately I have been struggling to be joyful in our circumstance. I have taken off small bites of self-pity and then chewed on it for periods of time. I have allowed challenging circumstances to "get the best of me." Having illness plague our family continually (three sick right now - malaria, intestinal bugs, high fevers, severe coughs have plagued us for about 6-8 weeks with only a small reprieve of everyone being healthy - last night we propped Franklin up on a cot in our room so he could breathe through his coughing), having one thing after another broken in our home, having car problems that can not seem to be fixed, rising costs of daily needs, communication challenges, not to mention water, electricity and internet, and honestly missing my family and friends has deterred my thankfulness.
Why is that?
Well, the Truth is that I have allowed it to happen. (Can't you hear the self-pity seeping out? Ugh!) I told Reid I felt like a ball bouncing on a hard surface. My "bounce-back" used to be so much stronger. I was resilient. Now the ball hits the surface and then bounces to a slow roll, then a stop. Reid's returning analogy was that of a boxer in a fight. Every hit takes more of the fight and life out of him until he is barely standing. We are not recovering from the hard hits of life here as well as we used to. I'm tired. Weary.
Some have told us we need to REST. We are trying to do that. We actually tried to take a few days as a family thanks to a Christmas gift. However, two were sick the day we arrived, and we came home a day early because three were running fevers. Ugh!
Ugh! I've been craving ease of life. Comfort. I don't like things daily feeling unrelentlessly so "hard." (They are HARD because I am choosing to look at our circumstances instead of the goodness of Christ.)
As a Christmas gift, Bekah Ochs made us a video shadowing everything the Lord has done over the past three months. It was astounding to see it all! Lately, I have struggled to remember the BIG picture and have been swallowed up by the little things that discourage me. WHY AM I LIKE THAT?
This morning I have been given the Lord's perspective as God has used multiple means to speak to my sinful heart. (It's God's kindness that leads us to repentance, but it is ugly to see my sin up close!) A few hours ago, I awoke for my quiet time complete with my morning cup of coffee. As I opened the sugar, ants scurried to hide. So began the morning routine of many days... Picking around the tiny, little creatures, I heaped the ant-laden sugar into my cup. Seeing them reminded me of this poem from our mission training which penetrated my heart:
By Elizabeth Givens
So send I you
To ants in the sugar bowl,
To things that fly, creep and crawl into the house,
To uncertain water, sporadic electricity.
To long hours, sweltering heat, exhausting days,
To uncomfortable vehicles, crowded jeeps, smelly buses.
To noisy early, early mornings,
To rice, rice and more rice.
To poverty you didn’t believe existed,
To masses of people like you have never seen,
To know and work with people who have never known comfort,
So send I you, and I expect you to adjust.
So send I you
To people who will give to you from their poverty,
To friends who will embarrass you with their generosity,
To pastors who will entertain you from their lack, with beauty.
To hungry, receptive, questioning people who want to know God,
To study, to teach, to learn from your study and teaching,
To prove your own motives, values and beliefs,
To learn about yourself and the culture that has reared you,
To know God and to understand more deeply dependence on Him,
So send I you.
Are you going? I’ll go with you all the way.
God has sent us here. In His love, God "expects me to adjust" to these hard circumstances because His word commands me to "have JOY ALWAYS." (1 Thessalonians 5:16). I am to "rejoice in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES." (1 Thessalonians 5:18) "For this is the WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS FOR YOU."
God has led me, as the poem indicates,
"To prove your own motives, values and beliefs,
To learn about yourself and the culture that has reared you,
To know God and to understand more deeply dependence on Him..."
God is refining me. And it isn't pretty!
After reading through 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 this morning, I read this post on Facebook from a friend and fellow missionary, Johnbull Omorefe.
"Paul knew he would be imprisoned In Jerusalem. Although his friends pleaded with him to not go there, he knew he had to because God wanted him to. No one enjoys pain, but a faithful disciple wants above all else to please God. Our desire to please God should overshadow our desire to avoid hardship and suffering. When we really want to do God's will, we must accept all that comes with it - even the pain. Then we can say with Paul, "God's will be done."
And so, I am still growing and learning to be a faithful disciple. My desire is to be "kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls me (you) faithful; He will surely do it."
As Mason challenged me last week when he was sick on his birthday, "I must count it all JOY when I encounter these trials knowing that the testing of my faith will yield endurance, and that endurance will have it's perfect result. I will be perfect and complete...lacking in nothing."
So, I am trusting Jesus to help me and lead me. I have a long way to go...but my faithful, loving, merciful God will be with me every step of the way.
Please pray for our friends serving in Ghana, Africa. Pray God gives their entire family a time of rest and good health. Joy is overflowing in their lives as they trust God and display a transparency of their circumstances and all that God is doing.
Much Joy,
Angie Burkeen
As I read Robin's post this morning, my heart was wrenched as I began to think of how I live my faith out. Do I exemplify JOY when circumstances arise? Robin has hard days, like all of us do. We all go through trials. Some are for just a fleeting moment, but some are trials that can be dragged out and seem to last a lifetime. Some people deal with health issues that affect them the rest of their life. But the circumstances and conditions that Robin and her family face everyday are so much more difficult than what most of us will ever have to experience. True JOY is lived out in her life and it shows. The transparency of how in her circumstances she struggles, shows true JOY and she continually depends on God to renew her Spirit. I pray the JOY I have for what Christ has done for me shines brightly for others to see. I want to share with you Robin's post from Facebook and I pray it has an effect on you as it did me. JOY is a choice! It is an active response to every situation we experience: hard times and good times. Do others see JOY in you? Here's her post:
· Lately I have been struggling to be joyful in our circumstance. I have taken off small bites of self-pity and then chewed on it for periods of time. I have allowed challenging circumstances to "get the best of me." Having illness plague our family continually (three sick right now - malaria, intestinal bugs, high fevers, severe coughs have plagued us for about 6-8 weeks with only a small reprieve of everyone being healthy - last night we propped Franklin up on a cot in our room so he could breathe through his coughing), having one thing after another broken in our home, having car problems that can not seem to be fixed, rising costs of daily needs, communication challenges, not to mention water, electricity and internet, and honestly missing my family and friends has deterred my thankfulness.
Why is that?
Well, the Truth is that I have allowed it to happen. (Can't you hear the self-pity seeping out? Ugh!) I told Reid I felt like a ball bouncing on a hard surface. My "bounce-back" used to be so much stronger. I was resilient. Now the ball hits the surface and then bounces to a slow roll, then a stop. Reid's returning analogy was that of a boxer in a fight. Every hit takes more of the fight and life out of him until he is barely standing. We are not recovering from the hard hits of life here as well as we used to. I'm tired. Weary.
Some have told us we need to REST. We are trying to do that. We actually tried to take a few days as a family thanks to a Christmas gift. However, two were sick the day we arrived, and we came home a day early because three were running fevers. Ugh!
Ugh! I've been craving ease of life. Comfort. I don't like things daily feeling unrelentlessly so "hard." (They are HARD because I am choosing to look at our circumstances instead of the goodness of Christ.)
As a Christmas gift, Bekah Ochs made us a video shadowing everything the Lord has done over the past three months. It was astounding to see it all! Lately, I have struggled to remember the BIG picture and have been swallowed up by the little things that discourage me. WHY AM I LIKE THAT?
This morning I have been given the Lord's perspective as God has used multiple means to speak to my sinful heart. (It's God's kindness that leads us to repentance, but it is ugly to see my sin up close!) A few hours ago, I awoke for my quiet time complete with my morning cup of coffee. As I opened the sugar, ants scurried to hide. So began the morning routine of many days... Picking around the tiny, little creatures, I heaped the ant-laden sugar into my cup. Seeing them reminded me of this poem from our mission training which penetrated my heart:
By Elizabeth Givens
So send I you
To ants in the sugar bowl,
To things that fly, creep and crawl into the house,
To uncertain water, sporadic electricity.
To long hours, sweltering heat, exhausting days,
To uncomfortable vehicles, crowded jeeps, smelly buses.
To noisy early, early mornings,
To rice, rice and more rice.
To poverty you didn’t believe existed,
To masses of people like you have never seen,
To know and work with people who have never known comfort,
So send I you, and I expect you to adjust.
So send I you
To people who will give to you from their poverty,
To friends who will embarrass you with their generosity,
To pastors who will entertain you from their lack, with beauty.
To hungry, receptive, questioning people who want to know God,
To study, to teach, to learn from your study and teaching,
To prove your own motives, values and beliefs,
To learn about yourself and the culture that has reared you,
To know God and to understand more deeply dependence on Him,
So send I you.
Are you going? I’ll go with you all the way.
God has sent us here. In His love, God "expects me to adjust" to these hard circumstances because His word commands me to "have JOY ALWAYS." (1 Thessalonians 5:16). I am to "rejoice in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES." (1 Thessalonians 5:18) "For this is the WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS FOR YOU."
God has led me, as the poem indicates,
"To prove your own motives, values and beliefs,
To learn about yourself and the culture that has reared you,
To know God and to understand more deeply dependence on Him..."
God is refining me. And it isn't pretty!
After reading through 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 this morning, I read this post on Facebook from a friend and fellow missionary, Johnbull Omorefe.
"Paul knew he would be imprisoned In Jerusalem. Although his friends pleaded with him to not go there, he knew he had to because God wanted him to. No one enjoys pain, but a faithful disciple wants above all else to please God. Our desire to please God should overshadow our desire to avoid hardship and suffering. When we really want to do God's will, we must accept all that comes with it - even the pain. Then we can say with Paul, "God's will be done."
And so, I am still growing and learning to be a faithful disciple. My desire is to be "kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls me (you) faithful; He will surely do it."
As Mason challenged me last week when he was sick on his birthday, "I must count it all JOY when I encounter these trials knowing that the testing of my faith will yield endurance, and that endurance will have it's perfect result. I will be perfect and complete...lacking in nothing."
So, I am trusting Jesus to help me and lead me. I have a long way to go...but my faithful, loving, merciful God will be with me every step of the way.
Please pray for our friends serving in Ghana, Africa. Pray God gives their entire family a time of rest and good health. Joy is overflowing in their lives as they trust God and display a transparency of their circumstances and all that God is doing.
Much Joy,
Angie Burkeen
Friday, January 3, 2014
The Joy of God's Creation!
Today is a beautiful day! We woke up this morning to pristine white snow-capped mountains and about three inches here in the valley of our little town in Eastern Kentucky. What an incredible way to start a new year. There's just something about the freshness and newness of a snowfall that reminds me of our walk with Christ. Just as snow falls and covers all of the deadness of the winter ground and makes things clean and pure white. The same can be said for our Christian walk. When we enter into a relationship with Christ, He makes us clean and white as snow, taking our sin away and continues to renew and refresh us with new snow everyday. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
One of my good friends and missionary serving here in Eastern Kentucky, Julie Pitts, absolutely loves snow! She is originally from South Carolina where there is not a lot of snow and definitely not enough falls to get out and play in. So every time it snows here she is like a kid in a candy store. She just wants to get out in it and take in all she can. I love her enthusiasm, but the older I get, the less my adventurous side wants to go out in it. But Julie loves it! It's cool listening to her even talk about it. The JOY of the Lord shines from within her! Most people, after a minute of looking at the snow are ready for it to be gone because it just causes problems, especially if you're one that has to get out in it to go to work. But her take on it is so refreshing! In a conversation with her, she said, "I love it when it snows, because for a moment everything slows down. It slows down so much that you can hear the quietness of God's creation. It draws me closer to Him!" What JOY!!!
God's creation is His JOY! Everything He breathed into existence brings Him pure JOY! Genesis 1:31 says, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." In other words, He was pleased. He took pleasure in His creation. He had JOY!
If God has JOY in what He has created, we should take JOY in His creation too! Shouldn't we? So today I choose to take in all of His creation through the beautiful snow that has fallen in these Appalachian Mountains. I am going to rest in the fact that His JOY comes through providing me, his most treasured creation, with the beauty that snow brings. The newness and freshness it represents. And as Julie put it, the quietness of God's creation.
Much Joy,
Angie Burkeen
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
My Joy Journey
Happy New Year! Today is the first day of a brand new year that will be filled with many firsts. Don't you just love the beginning of something new? There are so many examples of firsts in our lives. New year, new relationships, the birth of a baby, the first time that special someone says "I love you!" I could go on and on. Each has it's own special meaning.
Today marks a special day for me. Not only is it a new year, but today begins a journey. For these 365 days I will be sharing Joy through stories of real life experiences and giving biblical perspectives from God's word as well.
I know, I know! I overuse the word and some of you are probably tired of hearing it from me. But joy is so much more than just a simple adjective or adverb describing how one feels. I love the definition that Kay Warren gives in her book I Choose Joy, Because Happiness is not Enough, "Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things."
Joy is a choice. Joy is also a matter of the heart. To have true joy in your life, you must first be in right relationship with Christ. Joy is not something we create. It only comes through a total surrender of our life to God so He can fill us to overflowing with His joy and peace. Romans 15:13 says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Throughout this year, I hope to share with you what I feel true joy really is. I also want to invite you to come along on this journey with me. This blog is not about me. It's about the love of God permeating the lives of His people. It's about seeing God move in our lives creating in us that true joy.
Each of us experience tests, trials and triumphs. They come in the form of disappointments, heartaches, victories, love and loss. If there is breath in our lungs, we have and will continue to experience these things. Paul tells us in Romans 5:2-5, "And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
I invite you to share your story of how the Lord has given joy to your life. Maybe through an experience or circumstance God's joy has given you peace that surpasses all understanding or maybe someone you know has exuded that kind of joy and it touched your life in a special way. Email me your stories of Joy at: aburkeen@windstream.net or Facebook message me, or simply mail your story to P.O. Box 561, Cumberland, KY 40823 and I will try and share your story on this blog.
Yes, joy is much more than a little word! My prayer is that through the words and testimony shared, others will seek and find true joy through the only source - Jesus Christ!
Much Joy,
Angie Burkeen
Today marks a special day for me. Not only is it a new year, but today begins a journey. For these 365 days I will be sharing Joy through stories of real life experiences and giving biblical perspectives from God's word as well.
I know, I know! I overuse the word and some of you are probably tired of hearing it from me. But joy is so much more than just a simple adjective or adverb describing how one feels. I love the definition that Kay Warren gives in her book I Choose Joy, Because Happiness is not Enough, "Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things."
Joy is a choice. Joy is also a matter of the heart. To have true joy in your life, you must first be in right relationship with Christ. Joy is not something we create. It only comes through a total surrender of our life to God so He can fill us to overflowing with His joy and peace. Romans 15:13 says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Throughout this year, I hope to share with you what I feel true joy really is. I also want to invite you to come along on this journey with me. This blog is not about me. It's about the love of God permeating the lives of His people. It's about seeing God move in our lives creating in us that true joy.
Each of us experience tests, trials and triumphs. They come in the form of disappointments, heartaches, victories, love and loss. If there is breath in our lungs, we have and will continue to experience these things. Paul tells us in Romans 5:2-5, "And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
I invite you to share your story of how the Lord has given joy to your life. Maybe through an experience or circumstance God's joy has given you peace that surpasses all understanding or maybe someone you know has exuded that kind of joy and it touched your life in a special way. Email me your stories of Joy at: aburkeen@windstream.net or Facebook message me, or simply mail your story to P.O. Box 561, Cumberland, KY 40823 and I will try and share your story on this blog.
Yes, joy is much more than a little word! My prayer is that through the words and testimony shared, others will seek and find true joy through the only source - Jesus Christ!
Much Joy,
Angie Burkeen
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