Monday, January 1, 2018

Release: My Journey Begins!

Happy New Year!  2018 has officially began!  The old has gone, the new has come!  For me, that means beginning this year with a fresh perspective on life, on love, on who I am in Christ and how to become a workman approved by the One who purposed me for this life.  So, my journey for 2018 begins with one word, a word I probably wouldn't have chosen for myself to challenge me or even give me a pep in my step.  I mean, come on, I'm known as "Joy" because that word has encompassed all I have tried to be since adopting it as a motto to live by in 2015.  But God has clearly given me this word for the year and I am embracing it and anticipating with great joy what He will reveal to me and how I can use it in my life.  The word is "Release." 

This word seems simple enough on the surface.  Just release those things that hold me back or from thoughts I have held on to.  Then boom!  I'm done!  On to the next word!  But I have spent the last few weeks researching and praying through this word and what God wants me to learn and take with me into this new year.  What I have found so far is release is a complex word not to be taken lightly.  The dictionary gives the definition as "a freeing from confinement, obligation, pain, or emotional strain.  To liberate from anything that restrains or fastens."  However, the Bible uses this word in many different contexts throughout, which lends this word to take on new meaning for me and is peaking my interest even more as to how this word will come to light throughout this year and beyond.  I will share more on that into the year as God reveals things to me.  But for today, this first day of 2018, I want to share what God woke me up at 4:30 telling me.  Buckle up!  It's good stuff!

As I begin this journey of "Release" in my life, God has revealed that there are three areas I need to concentrate on:  my physical release, my spiritual release, and my emotional release.  

To start the release process physically, I need to detox my body.  I am a true believer in being healthy mind, body and soul.  So it's only fitting that to get started on the right foot this year, I release all the toxins within me.  Those things within my body that are keeping me from feeling good, making me feel fatigued and those things keeping me from doing all God has for me.  "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own." 1 Corinthians 6:19  In order to become all God wants for me, I must rid my body of those things holding me back.  I will strive this year to become more physically fit for His service.

The next area of release comes within my spiritual walk.  Hebrews 12:1-2 says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.  For the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."  One of the sins that so easily entangles me often is unforgiveness.  Unforgiveness of those that have wronged me and unforgiveness for those I have wronged.  I like to think I am a forgiving person.  After all, isn't that the whole basis for our walk with our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the universe.  Forgiveness!  He forgave us even when we didn't deserve it.  He sent His Son to take on our sin and pay the ultimate price by going to the cross.  Forgiveness should come easy for followers of Jesus Christ.  But, for me, it doesn't come as easy as I'd like to think.  As I prayed through forgiveness, God brought to mind some people that have wronged me and I realize I am holding on to feelings of disappointment, distrust, and resentment for them not apologizing to me.  The truth is, I have made it all about me and what I think should happen in these circumstances.  When really, it's not about me at all.  I may never receive a verbal apology.  Those wrongs may never become right.  I have to be ok with that.  Not because two wrongs make a right (which it doesn't!), but because Jesus forgave those that sent him to the cross, He forgave those that mocked Him and spit on Him.  He forgave me!  I am called to do the same.  The more I run with perseverance the race marked out for me, and fix my eyes on Him, the more I can learn to forgive.  This is a daily conversation I have with God.  The flip side is to ask forgiveness for those I've wronged.  Who wants to tuck tail and ask those they've wronged to forgive them?  How embarrassing, right?!  What if they don't accept!  What if it's something I did they didn't even know about and now I'm just telling on myself!  It's really hard to put yourself out there sometimes and humble yourself and ask forgiveness.  Satan would like for us to believe it is a sign of weakness.  But in reality, asking forgiveness releases you from Satan's hold.  It shows strength.  It shows that growth is occurring in your relationship with Christ as you take on His characteristics. 

The third part of the process for me is to release some emotional baggage I have been carrying around.  Wow!  Why do I hold on to things and let it weigh me down?  I picture myself carrying all of these suitcases around with different destinations written on them of places I've been and even places I haven't been yet.  Places like guilt, shame, pride, selfishness, envy, depression.  There are others, but let's leave it at those for now.  As God reveals, I need to work through them.  I have to open up each suitcase and take out the contents of each one and understand the cause and affect of each.  Then pray God takes those emotions away that hold me down.  I realize emotions come and go.  But sometimes, for whatever reason, I hold on to and pack away some emotions that weigh me down and keep me from being all God wants me to be. 

It appears I have a lot to work through this year.  I am excited and ready for the challenge of what God is revealing already and what He will reveal as this journey unfolds.  I pray that as I share with transparency of what God wants me to "release", that it will speak to others that maybe need to release as well.  If you are reading this, and you feel God is drawing you in that direction, hang in there with me.  It may be a bumpy ride, but I can assure you, God is at work and will prune those areas that are causing you to be stagnant in growth as I know He is already doing in me.


Angie Burkeen