Before I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Before I knew and truly understood the promise He gives us in John 10:10 that says, " I have come to give you life that you may have it to the full." Until I really understood what this meant, I "lived to have life." You see, there is a huge difference between "living to have life" and having a "life to live."
God knew us before we were even formed in our mother's womb. He knew every hair on our head. He knew every imperfection of our fleshly body. He knew everything about us before we were even thought of by our biological parents. Knowing who we would be, knowing the bad parts of our life, knowing that throughout our lives we would disappoint, disobey, and even break His heart as we choose the ways of the world instead of His perfect plan for us, He chose to bring us into existence anyway. He loves us unconditionally and we are His greatest and most precious creation.
From the moment we are born, we become selfish. Early life is a selfishness built into us for survival. The only way to communicate with our caregiver is by crying. As soon as we realize this gets us what we want, "Katie bar the door!" It's on! Then as we grow older our selfishness is rooted in believing the lies of Satan. We think we somehow deserve everything we can get. Whether it's the best clothes, the best cars, the best paying jobs, the best relationships. We begin to do whatever it takes to make that happen. We end up "living to have a life." Don't get me wrong. Goals are great to have. But when the goals of our life begin to super-cede the life that our Creator has planned for us, we become that toddler in the sandbox who refuses to share the toys that he thinks are his. We become self centered and self absorbed, thinking we need "things" in our life to make us satisfied, so we do whatever we need to do in order to make that happen. What a hamster wheel that can become! God never intended His greatest creation to live this way. If He takes such detail in making sure the birds of the air have food to eat. The amazing fact that if He gives us beautiful flowers that put off fragrances that are so enjoyable to our senses it brings a smile to brighten any day. If He does that, don't you think He has plans for our lives that we cannot even begin to fathom. Wow! Chew on that for a while.
So why do we continue to be so defiant in our lives? Why do we continue to search so hard for things that we think will satisfy us, only to leave us searching for more? I read a book recently written by Lacey Sturm, lead singer for the band Flyleaf. She had a life changing, life saving encounter with God and when that happened, she said her eyes were open to a life she never knew could exist. She began to see people through the eyes of Jesus. This absolutely changed her dying life where she thought, if this is all there is, I don't want it - to a life worth living! A life where every one she saw, she saw them the way Jesus sees them, beautiful! Where every sunrise and sunset, every snowflake that falls, every colorful leaf on the trees, every part of creation is a part of His beautiful Masterpiece.
That's the difference between "living a life" and a "life to live." I want a life to live, not by my own selfish desires, but I want that encounter with God every day, so my life reflects His loving grace and the beauty of His creation shines brightly in everyone that crosses my path and everything I see . I want to live with the love that overflows from the life He has given and given in abundance. I want to live in such a way that my heartbeat is in tune with His heartbeat. Life is beautiful and the plans God has for our lives is an amazing tapestry weaved together to become this beautiful life He intends for us to enjoy. A deep rooted joy and peace for life that can only come through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. When we fully surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, we become full of life and love!
You can choose to "live a life" or have a "life to live!" The choice is yours!
Much Joy,
Angie Burkeen
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
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